Guide Me

The GUIDE ME page provides an interactive help tutorial for the users to perform various actions listed under Flows. A Flow is a set of instructions in order to perform a particular action (Example: How to log an Incident?) These flows can be previewed in slide shows of all the steps involved in performing the actions. This runs the users through the application with clear instructions to click and provide values, and so on.


Following Table describes the minimum browser version required to run the flows: 







Internet Explorer






To access Guide Me:

  1. Click Guide Me from the main menu. The GUIDE ME page is displayed.

  2. Select the module from the Modules column. All the Flows listed under the Module are displayed.

Note: The Modules and Flows are displayed based on your Role and Access.


Figure: GUIDE ME page: Modules section


  1. Click the Flow you want to see. The Guide Me runs  you through every step of the selected Flow. The Flow instructions are mentioned in the balloon.
Note: You need to follow each instruction in order to complete the Flow successfully. Clicking the cross icon at the top-right corner of the balloon will close the Flow. If the data is unavailable, the instruction balloon will disappear.


Figure: GUIDE ME page: Flows section


  1. You can also choose to preview the Guides Me in a slide show by clicking the Eye icon next to the Flows. The slide show is displayed at the right-most pane of the page.
  2. Click right and left arrows to scroll through the slides.
  3. Click expand to expand the preview.


Figure: GUIDE ME page: Flows section


Note: To view any flow from any of the Modules at any point of time, click Guide Me button available at the right side of the window.

Figure: Guide Me window


Limitations of Guide Me Flows